I have a hard time sleep
ing at night I have a har
d time falling asleep wh
en I can't sleep I stareup
out the window up at th
e trees towering in the y
ard their dark shadowsf
lexing in the breeze and
I am out outamongstthe
ir cold indifference I ha
ve a hard time sleeping a
t night I have a hardtime f
alling asleep when I can't s
leep I stare up out the windo
w up at the trees towering in t
he yard their dark shadows flex
ing in the breeze I am out out am
ongst their cold indifference I hav
e a hard time sleeping at night I
have a hard time falling asleep
when I can't sleep I stare upo
ut the window up at the tre
es towering in theyard th
eir dark shadows flexin
g in the breeze I am o
ut out amongst their
cold indifference I
have a hard time
sleeping at nig
ht I have a h
ard time fa
lling asle
I can'
t sl
up att
he tree
s in the
yard thei
r dark sha
dows flexin
g in the bree
ze I am out out
amongst their co
ld indifference
I have a hard
time sleepin
gat night I h
ave a hard ti
me fallingas
leep whenIc
an't sleepI st
are up out th
e window up
at thetrees to
wering in the
yard their dar
k shadows fle
xing in the bre
eze and I am o
ut out amongst
their cold indif
ferenceI have a
hard time sleepi
ng at nightI have
a hardtime falling
asleep when I can'
t sleep I stare up o
ut the window up a
t the trees toweringi
n the yard their dark
shadows flexing inth
e breeze and I am out
out amongst their cold
I have a ha
rd time sle
eping at n
ight I hav
e a hardt
ime fall
ing asl
eep w
hen I
p I
t th
e wi
up at t
he tree
s tower
ing in th
e yard the
ir dark sha
dows flexin
g in the bree
ze andI am o
ut out amongs
t their cold indi
fference I have a
hard time sleepin
g at night I have a
hard time falling as
leep when I can't sle
ep I stare up out the w
indow up at the trees to
wering in the yard their
e breezeandIamoutouta m
on gsttheircoldindiffer en
ceI haveahardtimeslee pin
gatn ightIhaveahardt imef
allin gasleepwhenIca n'tsl
eepIst areupoutth ewindo
wupatth etreestow eringin
theyardt heirda rkshadow
sflexingi ntheb reezeandI
amoutoutam o ngsttheirc
oldindiffer e nceIhaveaha
rdtimesleepi ngatnightIha
veahardtime fa llingasleep
whenIcan't sle epIstareupo
utthewin dowupa tthetrees
towering intheya rdtheirda
rkshad owsflexing inthebre
ezea ndIamoutouta mongst
theirc oldindiffer enceIhav
eaha rdtimesleeping atnigh
tIh aveahardtimefall ingasl
ee pwhenIcan'tsleepIs tare
u poutthewindowupatthe t
re estoweringintheyardt he
ird arkshadowsflexingint h
ebre ezeandIamoutoutamon
gstth eircoldindifferenc eIh
aveaha rdtimesleepingat ni
ghtIhav eahardtimefall ing
asleepwh enIcan'tslee pIst
areupoutt hewindowupa tt
hetreestow eringinth eyard
theirdarksh adowsfl exingi
nthebreezean dIamo utouta
mongsttheirco ldi ndifferen
ceIhaveahardti m esleeping
atnightIhaveah a rdtimefall
ingasleepwhen Ica n'tsleepI
stareupoutth ewind owupatt
hetreestowe ringint heyardth
eirdarksha dowsflexi nginthe
breezeand Iamoutou tamong
sttheirc oldindifferenc eIhav
eahardt imesleepingatni ghtI
haveah ardtimefallingasl eep
whenI can'tsleepIstareupo ut
thew indowupatthe treesto w
eri ngintheyardtheirdarksh a
do wsflexinginthebreezea nd
I amoutoutamongsttheirc old
29 August 2013
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