04 April 2021

space like

like braves do 
 like you have thought that i could 
  like these great gram grey 
   like fires in furnaces 
  like a magical France 
 like a didgeridoo 
like cramped quarters  with
 like years without borders 
  like hoarders in Davis
   like utilitarian mess 
    like other years better 
   like cramps in a sequence
  like braves do
 like trees in a wind
like car parts
 likes feeling the weekend
   like the tribute to queen
     like the yeas boss i see
      like commandeering 
     like the ship that was lost
    like a cinnamon roll
   like a compliment
  like braves do
 like braves do

A trip to the doctir

 don't mind the hole in my finger and the pus coming out
the meaning is trite. the point quote useless
i think you'll  be quite offended by the smell regardless
this hole in my finger does not seem to want to heal and, well
the doctor's don't have much to say on it
this hole will just get bigger , they say. and
there's np use trying to hide it. it's a big pus filled finger hole my
doctor said. most people are going to know what it is.
what with its scabbing
and crust
and the recess well.
there not much you can do about it
it will just keep growing 
until everything is it