11 December 2020


 sometimes i lovejust sitting around watching a flick andd well and i can withstand most crap but this one thid pile of nunce is well fucking beyond

a younghorse ethos

this frus
task of defined bea
ts of playing along
to yourself i love younghorse bu
t i am confounded by a four
tape machine so much
t i s
top so fuck i

05 December 2020

Several Days in One

i wish you could know how i wish i could draw like you:
today leaf rubbings an and scribbles like they were planned
you with ginkgo and maple with

parallel and pannalel or whatever science word you learned

you with abandon and precision
you with a palette of bold
it doesn't matter
you with a golden golden like like

this touch like like it doesn't matter and it does every move is priceless like you today in a hallway
 in a harry pot
ter dress you today in a shirt that says i'm ready for the weekend i ii want to hug you to know that you are real i want a hug so that i know we are both here and this is not some sadistic dream that i'll wake up from and know what it meant to be happy but not have it it any more and you put a pen to paper and i smile you put a hand in clay and i i i can't describe what this what this

today you made a game
today you won at mastermind
today you rode a bike without thinking about how far

04 December 2020

Marvel Movies

a mmarvel
a movie a anime a concept a yes bosss
a hey touche like ovey like monnnay like o pleaze stay
like o this night is something different something starlike
something converging
it is a greenwich crash a knowhere dealer a shit movie night in the the mmost bearable way

a mmarvel
a movie
a concept boss
my oj my beefsteak my large skinnned hoss

No 2020

THis has ben the year of a century and yet no news from i found this
tape this no new this stay at ho
me order

THis HAs been the yearof stay at home and do the blog year but my


yes have dimmed at computer screens and these words are gibbered except for the red lines of misspelled
I like mis spellld though so what
can I dooo about ti