26 November 2024

That is all

 Remember Google Buzz?

19 November 2024

Prayer in Iambic

O, Come thee, hand of Death, and wash from me
This stain of thinking. Purge the grime and rust,
The grease and filth of my still body. Come,

You monster! Free me from my own dependence,
And take from me the thought that a thought matters,

And free me from the notion that this means.
O, Death, please take, please hand of Death remove
This love for something that does not exist.

And yes, I know the hand I call is mine.
And yes, these fingers clack the instrument
Of my destruction, washed with brown and fear
And sentiment. I know I've given life

To that which shall consume me


I wonder if id recognize your face indifferent 
   we weren't here for 20 years since
   would your gray still transluce the 21 year old? you

sat in a stool one bar over there
the other night
the bartender

(I knew him but he had eyes like a bartender on a busy Friday. He
                                           sat in a tiny practice space with me once him with trombone and he was
                                             asked not to play later and there was great pizza around the corner and slushy drinks at a bar down the block.)

In our present bears struggle against packers and memories of bars and violence
                                              a bottle smashed on someone
                                              a bottle rocket shot into something
                                              a smile   of recollect

ing I am here and there in time twice at once
         and Now 
it's poetry (this) I
started 4 years ago and it

brings me back to a moment that brings me back to a moment that brings me bakc to a moment back to a moment a moment a moment moment. 


09 November 2024


I am in the car. I
am on the road. It is
the same road as
today the
same on the 
I am on the road. I am i
n the car. It is the same car,
It is the same road. It

straights and carries.
It widens

windows winding
It I am

on the road.
I am in the car. It carries; caroms. It
carol carries I am
 I am in the car I am on the 
road. It is
        the same road
it is the I am the I am in the car

03 November 2024


last night, the 
road the 
town the 
side of the mountain. the 

wind chipped and charted the 
wind ffffded and found i 

was back there


last night the wind chimped and chimeded the wind wired and weird and winded

last night, the 
cold there the 
side of the road. 
the teeth chawed
the            mountain, town i

was the side

the road on the side of the mountain.
it was               cold there. there the 
    wind shewed. 
it chipped and charted the heart and hearted,

sided hearth
and heart hear is here is here is here is last night there is hear to here is home is

last night is the wind chipped
the chip chap founded 
the found and founded
the fish the finish the

last night 

last winded night winding road 
the  mountown the 
a cold a