25 February 2012

Eye: To

I I too too sing America too
To the land of the free too too I sing
too to the Mall of America
I too too
too too
Sing America: The horse with no name
The the in the in the desert in the
I too
I tu tu
And the home of the brave I
I to
The home
The Mall
of Themerica
I too too
"I, too" 2
Am ashamed.


  1. I love this. Will you form a writing group with me? We could be like the lost generation, but like ... found.

    If I actually wrote any poems that wasn't scared to share with other people.

    This is Mary by the way. Sobrero nee Stedman nee Sobrero.

    Hope you're doing well!

  2. Thanks, Mary! We definitely need to start a writing group: The Lost and Found Generation?
