Proud to be American Cheese is indignant about its ignorance.
Proud to be American Cheese must be eaten, or the terrorists have won.
Proud to be American Cheese takes national anthems at sporting events very seriously.
Proud to be American Cheese is heavily processed, has no discernible flavor, and is loaded with calories.
Proud to be American Cheese contracts mercenary corporations to do its dirty work.
Proud to be American Cheese will park, go to Wal-Mart, drive 100 yards across the parking lot, park again, and go to Lowe's.
Proud to be American Cheese's color does run, contrary to popular belief.
Proud to be American Cheese hasn't read a thing by Mark Twain, but has seen the Disney version of Huck Finn.
Proud to be American Cheese doesn't pick up on the racist undertones of most of its rhetoric.
Proud to be American Cheese is why they hate our freedom.
Proud to be American Cheese is proud that the French talk bad about it.
Proud to be American Cheese melts smoothly due to a heavy reliance on oil.
Proud to be American Cheese would gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
Proud to be American Cheese is true Americana.
Proud to be American Cheese is made in China.