29 January 2015

How Jay-Z's A&R Rep Got Fired

Hey, Jay. You said you were working on something you wanted to show us?
H to the Izzo, V to the Izzay.

For shizzle my nizzle used to dribble down in VA.

Dude, what are you talking about?
H to the Izzo.
Yeah, I know.
V to the Izzay.

I heard you the first time. My question is, why are you saying these things?

That’s the anthem.
Let me make sure I'm getting this. You're writing a song based mainly on Pig Latin... and you think people will like it? Jay. People won’t like it. I don’t like it.
Get your damn hands up!

Based on the fact that you are ordering us to enjoy what you are singing, I can pretty much guarantee that this is a bad idea.

H to the Izzo. V to the Izzay.
Repeating it over and over is not making it better. I’m starting to think you’re a hack.
Not guilty.

If you say so.
Yall got to feel me.
There you go losing your temper again. Just drop it. I promise you that ‘H to the izzie, v to the izzie’ is NOT ‘the anthem.’

H to the Izz-O.

V to the Izz-AY.

That’s. The. Anthem.
I have to go. I’ll see you around.

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