31 March 2023


I know this road.

I know its scattered shrubs (low and dried), 
            its too close sun, 
            its heat lines lifting.

I know its aching climbs that turn and rise 
                                                       and turn and rise 
and then drop to the valley when the glare is 
                       too much.

I know its fringe of dusty scree, 
            its two-lane claustrophobia 
the fire that burned
the fire that is to come

the lake to the left, poisoned by a mining disaster

the rusted town
      fixed in time with 

malicious intent.

1 comment:

  1. A dude with a beard who directs films (not movies)June 15, 2023 at 10:53 PM

    Point of fact: This was not filmed at Clear Lake doofus.
