30 November 2008

Rat Update

Rat Count: 11

Peanut butter, ice cream lamp shade, basket, tree, dog, arm, hurt, fork, polenta, window.

24 November 2008

Chicago and Kanye

I'm here in Chicago, 11 am in this time zone, waiting to go back to a movie theater that hopefully has found my wallet. Its bittersweet to be back here. The city keeps changing like all things do, and I'm realizing that at some point I'll come back and not recognize a thing. I forget that I'm living in a place that is relatively free of chain stores. Driving around this city feels like being in the parking lot for an extremely elaborate mall that grows and grows.

The new Kanye West is the best album of the year.

Last night, walking home, the streets were quiet and dark, except for the streetlights and the constant rush of cars. We left the theater laughing, oblivious to the cold, and went back to Theo's to watch youtube videos and squirrels dressed as Saddam Hussein.

18 November 2008

Set Down Hike...ooo

Alive today, like
blue/gold electricity
and high school football.

04 November 2008

Rat Update

In this political rant, I will juxtapose the views of one particular political philosophy with this other, very similar, political philosophy, but I will operate under the assumption that these political philosophies are vastly different.
In this political rant, I will argue the superiority of one particular political candidate's personality and leadership abilities with those of another political candidate.
In this political rant, I will rail against the ideologies of another political candidate.
In this political rant, I will expose the poor decisions one particular political candidate has made, contrasting them with the wisdom and foresight shown by another political candidate.