12 April 2013

Man vs. Food

Oh boy. I think I've done it this time.
Oh boy. I think I've made a BIG mistake.
Did you se that?
Yeah. I don't think I should have eaten that, despite the challenge that had been issued.
I thinkk the guy said three pounds of egg.
How many eggs do you think that is?
Most people don't measure eggs in pounds.
And if I sat up straight, that pile of  hash browns came up to my chin.
Oh boy.
I think.
I think you might need to call someone.
No, no. Not an ambulance.
But a doctor maybe?
I'm not going to die right now.
I'm not having a heart attack.
But I do NOT feel good.
Oh man.

Constantines in the Day Time

Holes in memories; The trip without the stay. Here's what remains:
Sitting in a van.
Arrested by a cop in a Camaro.
Falling down through the ceiling.
A picture of shotgunned beers.
Shoeless contrabass.
Stage frenzy !!!
Polyester pants.

Young and far away.