03 February 2011

That place was great.

Remember Catfish Haven? And the origins of "Hey, Donny...Remember what you said about Sean?...That he was a loser?" and the engagement ring in the burger with the Beatles playing and that girl's odd spite towards Shelly and cigs? Remember cigs? And kidnapping pranks and that metal band next door and your impersonation of Anthony Kedis and "It's smooth, it's nice" and living in A-ville and "Ri tried to kiss me" and "Smoking pole" and that time you left practice because you got a message that had Malkmus playing a "In the Mouth a Desert" on it? Remember how we'd write a bunch of songs and then scrap them and write new songs? And your marriage?

These are some of the best times of my life. For serious.

I think, though, that "Warning" was actually made by Arizona. The e-drink you are describing might be Fuze.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for transcribing the lyrics to the New High Low Song "Remember When."
