12 November 2011


To stroke my narcissism, I was just searching the Internet for this blog when I came upon this yahoo question: Can your write me a haiku about quantum physics? The reply? The one chosen as best answer? It is remarkably similar to this blog post. And by similar, I mean plagiarized. And yes, I did just link to my own blog on my own blog. But as if stealing my brilliance wasn't enough, the nameless person who stole my poem followed it up with, "its not that good...sorry."

In my mind, this unnamed plagiarizer had three options when s/he came across this request for quantum physics haiku:
1. Make up a haiku
2. Find a good haiku on the Internet and pretend like you wrote it
3. Nothing.

Here's my question for Yahoo! brand Questions: Why would someone steal a haiku s/he thinks is bad and claim it as his/her own?

Maybe someone can copy and paste an answer for me.

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